About the Board

The North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners regulates the practice of psychology within the state of North Dakota by licensing and registering practitioners, auditing continuing education activities, and enforcing legal and ethical requirements for the delivery of psychological services. This authority is defined through NDCC 43-32.


North Dakota Century Code: 43-32 Psychologists          
North Dakota Administrative Code: Title 66 Board of Psychologist Examiners

The Board is comprised of seven volunteer members appointed by the Governor, legal counsel from the Attorney General's Office, and supported by part-time office management. The Board is required by law to meet two times per year. In an effort to respond to consumer needs, the Board makes efforts to hold meetings on a fairly regular basis. Our tentative meeting dates can be found at the bottom of the upcoming agenda.  

Page Updated: 5/11/2022 9:30:46 AM